Today I visited two ships and had a Christmas celebration on the second of them. That boat is Cathering Grace. The captain of this ship was Polish, and the chip officer was a Russian sailor. However, the captain was out shopping, and the chip officer was managing it. I met with the Chip Officer and applied to hold a Christmas event, and he happily responded and gathered the crews. He and the 2nd Officer also attended, received grace along with the other crew members, and accepted the Lord Jesus as their savior.
오늘 나는 두척의 선박을 방문하였고, 그 중의 두번째 선박에서 성탄행사를 하였다. 그배는 Cathering Grace이다. 이배의 선장은 폴리쉬, 칩오피서는 러시아 선원이었다. 그런데 선장은 샤핑을 나가고, 칩오피서가 관리하고 있었다. 나는 칩오피서를 만나 성탄행사를 하겠다고 신청했더니, 쾌히 응답하고 선원들을 모아주었고, 자기와 2nd 오피서도 함께 참석하여 다른 선원들과 함께 은혜를 받고 주예수님을 구주로 영접하였다.