Yong Xing's Captain Go Yong(2023-02-10): 오늘 급하게 나는 항구로 가서 어제 방문했던 Yong Xing호를 찾아갔다. 그 이유는 그 배의 선장이 크리스챤이라는 말을 듣고, 한번 꼭 만나봐야 하겠다는 생각이 들었기 때문이다. 나는 저녁 시간에 방문하여 선장을 찾았더니, 선원들이 조타실로 안내해 주어서 선장을 만날 수 있었다. 우리는 인사를 나누고, 내가 신앙에 대해서 물어보니, 그의 할아버지 때부터 예수를 믿고 교회 생활을 했다고 한다. 그러면서 자기는 선원생활을 하다보니, 정기적인 교회 활동을 하지 못해서 신앙이 뜨겁지 않다고 한다. 그래도 나는 그가 크리스챤 선장으로서 선원들에게 예수의 사랑으로 대하고, 복음을 전하라고 부탁하고, 내가 가져 간 중국어 신앙책자(Why only through Jesus?)라는 책과 만화 전도책자(This was your life)를 전달해 주고 전 선원들에게 나눠 주도록 부탁하였다. 나는 더 이상 그와 함께 대화 할 시간이 없었는데, 그 이유는 오후 6시에 그의 배가 출항해야 하기 때문이었다. 그와 작별하고 늘 주님을 의지하고 기도 하도록 부탁하고 헤어졌다.
Yong Xing's Chinese Christian Captain Go Yong (2023-02-10): Today, I hurried to the port to visit the Yong Xing ship I visited yesterday. The reason was that I had heard that the Chinese captain of the ship was a Christian, and I felt compelled to meet him. I visited in the evening and looked for the captain, and the crew took me to the wheelhouse, where I was able to meet him. We had greetings each other, and when I asked him about his faith, he said that he believed in Jesus and had a Christian life since his grandfather. At the same time, he said that since he was a sailor, he could not do regular church activities, so his faith was not hot. Still, I asked him, as a Christian captain, to treat the crew with the love of Jesus and preach the gospel, and delivered the Chinese booklet called <Why only through Jesus> and other cartoon booklet the <This was your life>, asked him to distribute them to all the crews. I couldn't have time to talk to him anymore because his ship had to set sail at 6pm. He said goodbye to him, asked him to always rely on the Lord and pray, and parted. (Rev. Sung Lee)