이성재 선교사는 지난 20년간 항만 선교를 하면서 깨달은 사실 하나는 선교사가 선박을 방문해서 선원들을 만나 복음을 전하는 일은 너무나 시간이 짧아서 선원들에게 크게 영향을 끼치기가 어렵다는 것을 깨닫고, 선원들 중에서 지도적인 위치에 있는 분들(선장,기관장,사무장,보슨,주방장) 중에서 거듭난 형제들을 찾아내어 그들을 훈련시켜서 같은 선박에서 일하는 선원들에게 복음의 영향을 미칠 수 있도록 해야 하겠다는 계획을 가지고, 그동안 거듭난 선원들을 발견하거나, 내가 전도해서 거듭난 선원들에게 성경공부 교재를 주어서 공부하게 하고, 그의 마음이 복음의 열정으로 확실한 믿음으로 생활하고 있으면, 선박목자 자격증(Certificate)을 주어, 선상에서 일하는 동안 성경공부나, 기도모임이나, 찬양모임등을 인도하도록 지도하고 격려한 후에 선박목자로 임명하였습니다. 그렇게 임명한 선박목자들이 현재(2023. 1.20)까지 34명입니다. 그들의 면면을 자세하게 말씀드릴 수 없으나, 그때 찍은 사진들을 올려 놓았습니다. 여러분들이 이분들을 보시고 기도해 주시고, 선상복음 사역을 잘 진행할 수 있도록 기도해 주시기를 부탁드립니다.
One thing that Missionary Sung Lee realized while doing port missionary work for the past 20 years is that missionaries visit ships and meet sailors to preach the gospel, realizing that it is difficult to have a great influence on sailors because the time is too short, and it is difficult to have a significant impact on sailors. With a plan to find born-again brothers among those who are (captain, engineer, manager, boss, chef) and train them so that they can have a gospel influence on the sailors working on the same ship, Bible study materials are given to sailors who have been born again through evangelism so that they can study them, and if their hearts are living with a passion for the gospel and a clear faith, they will be given a certificate as a ship shepherd, so they can study the Bible while working on board, hold prayer meetings, After guiding and encouraging him to lead praise gatherings, he was appointed as a ship shepherd. There are 34 ship shepherds so appointed until now (2023. 1.20). I can't tell you in detail about their faces, but I've uploaded the pictures I took then. I ask that you all look at these people and pray for them, so that they can carry out the shipboard gospel ministry well.
No 1. the Chief engineer Cornelius(Indonesian)
No2, the chief cooker Bien Gonzalgo(Filipino)
3. the Bosun ,Rodolfo Cruz(Filipino)
4. the captain Weiman Yi(Chinese)
5. The Chief cooker, Mariano(Indian)
6. The chief officer, Melchor Tobias(Filipino).
7. the captain, Eduardo Abiga(Filipino).
8. the chief officer, Lin(Taiwanese).
9. the Bosun, Leonilo(Filipino).
10. The 2nd officer, Jaime Ballais(Filipino).
11. the chief cooker, Roy Camilon(Filipino).
12. the captain, Ricardo Acha
13. the electric officer, Roell(Filipino)
14. the bosun, Joel(Filipino)
15. the chief cooker, Rolla Gomez(Filipino)
16. the chief officer, Bobby Dayandante(Filipino)
17. the captain, Noel Dsouza(Indian)
18. the chief officer, Momar Panizales(Filipino)
19. the chief officer, Jessie Pono(Filipino)
20. the chief officer, Fernando(Sri Lankan)
21. the chief engineer, Zheng Zhou(Chinese)
22. the chief officer, Yang Hong Bin(Chinese)
23. the captain, Denial Issac Edwin(Indian)
24. the captain, Pang Li Chen(Chinese),
25. the captain, Khaw Kok Keong,(Chinese Malaysian)
26. the bosun, Joseph Aragao(Filipino)
27. the captain, Joel Lopez(Filipino)
28. the chief officer, Joefel Gena(Filipino)
29. the captain, Wu Sheng(Chinese Singaporean)
30. the Korean Captain, Edwin Kim(김기형, Korean)
(Above persons were appointed in Long Beach Port)
(behind person were appointed in Houston port)
31. the electric officer, G S Ramesh(Indian)
32.the captain, Brian Pava(Filipino)
33.the captain, Kunnel Anthony Raphael Jakson(Indian)
34.the captain, Claudio Manuel(Filipino)