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The energy of all life, the mystery of photosynthesis

This morning, as I walked through the alleys of my neighborhood, I saw the sunlight shining beautifully through the green trees, birds singing pretty songs among them, and squirrels performing acrobatic stunts with acorns in their mouths as they quickly crossed among the round trees. I came to meditate once again on the mysteries of God's wonderful creation.

Looking at the green leaves of trees and grass, I couldn't help but praise God's wonderful workmanship in front of the fact that all life on earth feeds on the energy produced by these leaves. Everyone knows that the vegetables, fruits and grains we eat every day are all made from the leaves of plants. What is surprising is that rice leaves make rice material, apple tree leaves make apple materials, and rose petals make the beautiful colors of roses.

However, the energy produced by these leaves is made in abundance with just three simple elements: air, water, and sunlight, so how amazing is this! In other words, we have an infinite source of energy for every day we live on this earth.

Scientists briefly explain this process of photosynthesis as follows. In other words, the photosynthetic process of green plants uses light energy to make organic substances such as glucose using the water absorbed by the roots and carbon dioxide absorbed by the stomata of the leaves as materials, and to produce oxygen as a by-product. This process can be expressed in a simple way as follows.

(Water + Carbon Dioxide + Light Energy → Glucose + Oxygen)

As shown in the picture above, it can be explained simply scientifically, but there is an amazing mystery that we humans cannot create this process. The sunlight received from the leaves of plants combines with water (H2O) and air (carbon dioxide, CO2) to produce glucose and oxygen (O2). I don't remember hearing the news. If humans can create a system or machine that can cause this kind of photosynthesis, it would be a groundbreaking discovery, but wouldn't it be impossible? I think. Because the mystery belongs to God.

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that all of us humans and all life on earth live by God's provision. Sunlight is supplied to the earth from the unlimited sun, and not only is it difficult to use up even 1% of that sunlight, but the air is supplied without restriction surrounding the earth's atmosphere, and water evaporates in great amounts from the five oceans and becomes water vapor. , it becomes a cloud and rain and pours it over the earth.

However, it would not be an exaggeration to say that these tremendous atmospheric circulation systems, sunlight, and natural air purification systems belong to supernatural structures that are far beyond the scope of our human control or operation. There is clearly a transcendent, supernatural ability, not a limited human ability, here. I don't want to underestimate the efforts of those who try hard to deny this, but I think that walking on the right path in life is to quickly recognize how foolish it is and acknowledge and humbly accept the transcendent person.

The Bible says:

“We cannot fathom Almighty God. He is great in power, righteous and just in all things. So people are afraid of Him. God ignores those who think in their hearts that they are wise.” (Modern Bible, Job 37:23~24)

(Rev. Sung J Lee)

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