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My Perspective on the Asbury Blessing of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit meeting at Asbury University, which started on February 8th, reminds me of many things. As a pastor who once experienced the powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit, I am also a Christian who is always waiting for the second and third outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Also, at the age of 20, after accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I experienced the anointing of the Holy Spirit many times, sometimes in tongues, sometimes with tears of repentance, and sometimes with overwhelming emotion and joy. He allowed me to come and feel and experience the fullness. However, the Holy Spirit did not allow the fullness of that time to continue 24 hours and 365 days. Because if I did, God did not want me to drop all routine and become a fanatic obsessed with it. When we have had the fullness of the Holy Spirit and a mysterious experience, we must move on to the next step. What could it be? In addition, the blessing of the Holy Spirit at Asbury University may not be complete only if it continues there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I believe that the anointing of the Holy Spirit by Asbury University this time means, and Christians in the United States should think about how to accept it.

1. It is true that Asbury's blessing of the Holy Spirit began on February 8th.

It has been almost a year since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24 last year and the war broke out, and the Asbury Holy Spirit Blessing began two days after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in Turkey on February 6 last month. We have to should pay attention to now, the global world is full of scars everywhere and is tangled up with unmanageable problems. There are problems of natural disasters, but many of them stem from excessive human greed and conflict. Somehow this global world needs to be healed. However, weak human beings have no alternative, no way to know where to start or how to start. I really don't think this is the end of the apocalypse. The fact that the blessing of the Holy Spirit came upon Asbury University at this point is a sign that God has not yet abandoned this earth. In particular, the fact that it happened in the United States, which has experienced the blessing of the Holy Spirit many times, should be accepted as meaning that God expects that much of the mission in the United States.

2. It is true that the blessing of the Holy Spirit took place this time at a university.

As we all know, American universities are struggling with ideological disputes. Most universities are already dominated by the left. They are leftists as we like to call them, but their true colors are Marxists who believe in Marxism. They may be looking at this Asbury Blessing with an unkind eye. American universities are so pollution and corrupt, and when I think about what the next generation will be like, I think the future is bleak. Abortion, homosexuality, drug abuse, child molestation, increase in divorce, increase in sexual violence, transgender problem, gun accident problem, etc. America is now beyond its self-cleaning ability and is running at high speed like a train with broken brakes. At this time, if the blessing of the Holy Spirit that took place at Asbury University in a small town in Kentucky became a small fire and spread to American universities, it could become a new repentance movement that would save ailing America.

3. This Asberry Blessing should not end with Asberry.

The descent of the Holy Spirit, which began in Acts 2 of the Bible, did not end just once, and since then, the blessing of the Holy Spirit has continued throughout the world. Even in this United States alone, we can see that the great and small blessings of the Holy Spirit have occurred many times over and over again. Each time, the subject person or organization was different, but the main character was always the Holy Spirit. This case is no exception. The region started at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, but now I think the fire should spread to universities across the United States. Already there are signs of that. First of all, it is true that the Holy Spirit prayer meeting started at American Christian universities, and the wave of prayer and fellowship blocked due to Covid 19 slowly began to rise. This is making us have expectations that the great spiritual awakening movement that awakens the American church and American Christians can be rekindled in the future. How great would it be if the Great Awakening Movement that took place in the last century could flare up once again at this time? Thus, we hope that the work of repentance and life that will restore and save the ailing America will take place.

When God pours out the Holy Spirit powerfully, there is a reason. Christians who are living in the last days and waiting for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ should not cross the river and stare at the Blessing of the Holy Spirit at Asbury University, but should think about how they can join the movement that sparks this fire right where they are. Having experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit many times, I am always experiencing the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in the mission field as I accompany the Holy Spirit every day. And I am experiencing the working of the Holy Spirit through daily family worship. My prayer is that this blessing of the Holy Spirit will lead to a new spiritual repentance movement in America. (Rev. Sung Lee)

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