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Jesus in the Tripitaka Koreana

Speaking of the Tripitaka Koreana, it is a valuable cultural heritage of Korean Buddhism and a national treasure kept at Haeinsa Buddha Temple. This Tripitaka Koreana was originally called the Koryeo Tripitaka, a national project started by the Koryeo Dynasty with the idea of repelling the invasion of the Northern Khitan and the Mongols with Buddha's Buddhist mind. It is said that it came to be called the Tripitaka Koreana. In addition, all of the sutras are 81,258 editions, 1511 copies, and 6802 volumes, and they are called the Tripitaka Koreana because they are about 80,000 sutras.

In general, most of Shakyamuni's teachings are recorded in this Tripitaka, and there is a Dharani Sutra in this Tripitaka.

That is. Here is what Sakyamuni said about Jesus:

"何時耶蘇來 吾道無油之燈也"(Ha si Yaso rae Oh Do Mu Yoo Zi Ding Ya)

The meaning of this saying is, "Whenever someone called Jesus comes, the way I taught will become a lamp without oil." In other words, it is said that Shakyamuni taught many truths to the people, but if Jesus (Yaso) descends to this world, all the truths he (Sakyamuni) taught will disappear like a extinguished lamp. If so, it would mean that Shakyamuni's teachings are not perfect in themselves, and are not the true truth. Personally, I am very proud that our ancestors left behind such a great cultural heritage. However, considering that each and every word of Buddha Shakyamuni has an important meaning, we cannot help but admire the fact that he prophetically spoke in advance about the Jesus who will come 700 years from then. As I read this article, I couldn't help but be surprised at the fact that Shakyamuni preached words so perfectly. Wouldn't Shakyamuni be the same as preaching Jesus? Perhaps Shakyamuni would have been frightened if he saw that after his death the Buddhists who followed his teachings had turned him into a Buddha statue and worshiped idols. It is unlikely that Shakyamuni would have liked to have his supporters make statues of him and serve them. This kind of idolatry is all just the followers deifying him and making him the object of their individual wishes.

According to Shakyamuni's words, those who believe in Buddhism now should already believe in Jesus and abandon Buddhism. Wouldn't that be what Sakyamuni really wanted? Jesus clearly declared this about himself in public. “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) These words are not the words of one human being. No human being in the world can say this. These are the words of a lunatic, or a true savior sent by God. I don't believe he is a psychopath. I believe that He is truly the Son of God, and He is God. And I believe that He is the Savior who can deliver me from the bondage and perish of sin. This belief changed me and became the belief on which my true identity was established. I cannot help but express my sincere gratitude to Him for giving me spiritual freedom.

(Rev. Sung Lee)

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